Monday, July 6, 2009

Equal Ownership Of Life

"Libertarianism is the view that each man is the absolute owner of his life, to use and dispose of as he sees fit: that all man's social actions should be voluntary: and that respect for every other man's similar and equal ownership of life and, by extension, the property and fruits of that life, is the ethical basis of a humane and open society. In this view, the only — repeat, only — function of law or government is to provide the sort of self-defense against violence that an individual, if he were powerful enough, would provide for himself."

Karl Hess

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Harrisburg July 4th Report

I really enjoyed the fellowship and fun the Harrisburg July 4th Festival afforded me. I saw some old friends and met some new ones. The weather was great, with a gentle breeze blowing much of the time. The humidity was bearable, which is unusual for this time of year.

The LP Cabarrus outreach efforts were well received. We also promoted the Campaign For Liberty and Young Americans For Liberty. We also gave out Republic Magazines and pocket Constitutions. The left-over Ron Paul 2008 DVD videos were popular as well. There were quite a few Ron Paul fans in attendance this weekend. There were also a lot of folks wanting information about the LP. There is r[evol]tion in the air, indeed.

The Cabarrus Democratic Party also had a booth. The GOP was nowhere to be found. I was thrilled with the number of disgusted Republicans that came by and picked up Libertarian literature. With the Ron Paul Republicans fighting on the inside and Libertarians chipping away on the outside, the neo-con GOP edifice of empire and corporatism is crumbling away.

May it's destruction be sure and swift!