Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Time Is Here!

If you believe it is past time to audit the Federal Reserve, please click on the banner above to sign the petition. A copy will be sent to your US Senators.

Help expose the evils of the Federal Reserve.

Demand an audit today!

Friday, April 23, 2010

End The Mandate!

I endorse the following bill, introduced by Ron Paul. The government has no authority to force citizens to buy health insurance.

Contact Larry Kissell and tell him to support HR 4995.

H.R. 4995 --- End The Mandate Act

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Joint Resolution Against Celgard Tax Incentives

The Libertarian Party of Cabarrus County joins the Cabarrus Campaign For Liberty in opposition to the proposed economic development grant to benefit Celgard, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Polypore
International, Inc.

The county commission will entertain a proposal to extend three 4 year grants of 85% of the ad valorem taxes and an upfront payment of $350,000 to offset land prices.*

In response to the proposed grant, LP Cabarrus Chair Thomas Hill said, "Free enterprise should succeed or fail based on it's own merits. Extending governmental privileges to certain companies at the expense of others reeks of corporate fascism."

When asked of the proper role of government in the economy, Hill explained, "Government should protect free enterprise from force and fraud instead of distorting the market with corporate welfare schemes. Reducing regulations and property tax rates will encourage businesses to invest in the county."

Cabarrus Campaign For Liberty Coordinator Lloyd Morris believes the tax incentives should be taken off the table. "Celgard has already decided to locate here. The county already has the assets and quality of life that attracts business investment."

Morris also worries about treating all county businesses equally. "We should not offer Celgard anything we are not willing to share with every other business in this county. We should all be equal before the law."

The members of both organizations support and applaud the efforts of pro business advocates in the county. Our only objection is the tactic of using tax money and tax incentives to benefit certain corporations. We support free markets and the prosperity they provide.

In Liberty,

Thomas Hill
Chair, Libertarian Party of Cabarrus County

Lloyd Morris
Cabarrus Campaign For Liberty Coordinator

* taken from County Commission agenda for April 19th meeting. (pages 120, 121 and 122)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

LPNC Census Resolution

The Libertarian Party of NC passed the following resolution at it's annual convention this past weekend. I wholeheartedly endorse this resolution....

Whereas question 1 on the 2010 U.S. Census — number of persons living at the address — is the only question needed to serve the constitutionality-stated purposes of the census of apportioning federal, representation and direct taxes;

Whereas the LPNC supports limiting government having no more power than constitutionally stated, therefore;

The LPNC encourages all recipients of the 2010 U.S. Census to refuse to answer questions 2-10.

Adopted in Convention, April 11, 2010 Burlington, NC

What Is A Libertarian?

Next Candidate Forum - April 15th

Cabarrus Conservative Coalition & We The People (Cabarrus) Candidate Forum

Red Pig Restaurant, Carolina Mall, Concord


This will be the second time I have the privilege of addressing these fine folks. I certainly appreciate being included, especially since I have no primary opposition.

Charlotte Tax Day Tea Party

I will be joining hundreds of fed up patriots tomorrow (April 15th) at the Charlotte Tax Day Tea Party. I look forward to promoting my campaign.

Be sure to stop by the Campaign For Liberty table. The C4L can't endorse candidates but I can certainly endorse them!

Charlotte Tax Day Tea Party: April 15, 2010 3pm-5pm at 600 E. Trade Street in Charlotte.