Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Rebuttal To The Johnson Campaign Smear

[Below is a my rebuttal to the Johnson campaign misinformation published by We The People of Cabarrus County. Following the 16th and final question, I have inserted a personal plea I wanted them to include. They chose not to. I sincerely appreciate what they did choose to share with their membership.]

Hello Fellow Patriots,

In an effort to be fair and balanced, kind of like Fox News, we have been contacted by Mr. Thomas B. Hill the Libertarian candidate who is opposing Mr. Harold Johnson the Repbulican candidate for the seat currently held by Democrat Larry Kissell. He has asked that we help to set straight some possible misinformation that is circulating on the internet.

Again I want everyone to understand that this information is being shared with you in order to help you have the most current and up to date information we are able to obtain. We are simply asking you to very seriously consider all of the facts and make up your own mind as to which of the candidates would best represent your position and interests when they go to Washington, DC as your elected official.

In no way are We The People NC or We The People – PAC endorsing either of these candidates. We The People NC and We The People – PAC both agree that it’s time for a change in representation in the 8th District and hope that you will vote for one of these Constitutionally minded Conservative candidates to replace Mr. Larry Kissell.

We The People NC and We The People – PAC would like to thank both candidates for sharing their time and thoughts with us and allowing us to pass along to you our valued members this information.

Thank each of you for your time, support and efforts in helping us to make a difference in the direction our country is headed.


Ronnie Long – President
We The People NC and We The People - PAC
Below is the information we received from Mr. Hill.


1. Should the United States Constitution be amended to include the definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman?
Harold Johnson: Yes Thomas Hill: No

The Federal government has no authority what so ever in regards to marriage. The tenth amendment makes this very clear. Homosexuals are not a threat to traditional marriage. Infidelity and a divorce rate of over 50% presents the biggest threat. If society expects the government to cure our social ills, we are doomed. Our faith community has transferred too much of it's mission to government agencies and legislators. What has that gotten us?

2. Should federal law extend health and other benefits to the same-sex partners of federal employees?
Harold Johnson: No Thomas Hill: Yes

Any benefit or privilege given to any federal employees should be available to all employees. We should be treated as individuals. Special privileges for none, equal rights for all. If you don't believe same sex partners should have these privileges, then you don't deserve them either. Married couples have been given special privileges for years. Why should the law apply different for some over others?

3. Should the federal Indian Gaming Regulatory Act be amended to place further restrictions on the establishment and expansion of gambling by Indian Tribes in the United States?
Harold Johnson: No Thomas Hill: Yes

The Indian Gaming Regulatory Act should be repealed. The tribes should have the sovereign authority to govern their own lands. The federal government has no constitutional authority to ban gambling of any sort.

4. Should internet gambling be prohibited?
Harold Johnson: Yes Thomas Hill: No

Again, the tenth amendment is clear; the federal government has no authority to ban gambling of any sort. Unfortunately, Harold Johnson has less respect for the constitution than I do.

5. Should the federal government continue to provide funding for abstinence until marriage sexual education programs?
Harold Johnson: Yes Thomas Hill: No

The federal government has no authority to interfere in education. Remember, Ronald Reagan ran on a platform of eliminating the NEA. Again, Harold Johnson supports violating the constitution to appeal to social conservatives.

6. Should software to filter pornography be required on computers in public schools and libraries that receive federal funds?
Harold Johnson: Yes Thomas Hill: No

My last answer fits this question perfectly. I am against children looking at porn on school computers; I just can't find the constitutional authority to get the feds involved in local matters.

7. Should all Americans be required to carry health insurance?
Harold Johnson: No Thomas Hill: No

8. Should federal taxpayer dollars be used to pay for abortions?
Harold Johnson: No Thomas Hill: No
9. Should Congress strengthen conscience protections for doctors, nurses, health care providers, pharmacists, insurance groups, and employers who do not want to participate in or fund abortion procedures or to dispense abortifacient drugs?
Harold Johnson: Yes Thomas Hill: No

The federal government has no authority in health care matters. The tenth amendment makes this clear. It is amazing how much Harold Johnson is willing to violate the constitution just to win the support of social conservatives.

10. Should references to God be removed from government property?
Harold Johnson: No Thomas Hill: No

11. Should human embryos be used for research purposes?
Harold Johnson: No Thomas Hill: Undecided
12. Should a person’s religious beliefs influence the decisions they make while serving in public office?
Harold Johnson: Yes Thomas Hill: Yes
13. Should the authority of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to regulate the broadcast of indecent and obscene media content be extended to cable and satellite television? Harold Johnson: Yes Thomas Hill: No

The FCC is overtly unlawful and unconstitutional. I want to abolish the FCC.

14. Should the federal tax code be simplified with a flat tax or a national sales tax?
Harold Johnson: Yes Thomas Hill: No

The income tax should be repealed and replaced with nothing. Harold Johnson wants you to fund unconstitutional programs. Don't fall for his tomfoolery.

15. Should federal agencies and other entities that receive funds from the federal government be required to substantiate the need of all programs and services that receive those funds?
Harold Johnson: Yes Thomas Hill: Yes

16. Should the $1,000 per child tax credit for families be allowed to expire at the end of 2010, as scheduled?
Harold Johnson: No Thomas Hill: Yes

The child tax credit gives special privileges to classes of people. It is unlawful and unconstitutional. I will not promise to violate the constitution to win votes. Harold Johnson does.

It has come to my attention that several Harold Johnson supporters have been circulating a survey I filled out. The problem is they only released the yes or no responses. They intentionally left out my comments which explained my answers. Each of my answers dealt with the 10th amendment and the constitutional authority given to Congress. They also failed to include who commissioned and published the survey.

It is unfortunate that the Johnson campaign is so desperate for votes that they will use deception and fraud to smear a fellow candidate. It is my hope that the members of WTP will see through this deception and punish the Johnson campaign this Tuesday.

I have worked along side WTP, sharing space at the Harrisburg July 4th event, the Cabarrus County Fair and Midland Magic. I have paid my dues in the trenches, defending individual freedom and responsibility for the past 10 years.

I have taken the high road during this campaign, treating Harold Johnson with respect. It is shameful he has allowed his supporters to use fraud and deception to smear an honest man.

I hope you do not endorse and reward such tactics this Tuesday.

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