Sunday, October 31, 2010

Smear Tatics By The Johnson Campaign

[This is my response from a smear e-mail circulated by the Johnson campaign to gain support from the Cabarrus chapter of We The People. Their president, Ronnie Long has promised to publish my response to the smear...]

It has come to my attention that several Harold Johnson supporters have been circulating a survey I filled out. The problem is they only released the yes or no responses. They intentionally left out my comments which explained my answers. Each of my answers dealt with the 10th amendment and the constitutional authority given to Congress. They also failed to include who commissioned and published the survey.

It is unfortunate that the Johnson campaign is so desperate for votes that they will use deception and fraud to smear a fellow candidate. It is my hope that the members of WTP will see through this deception and punish the Johnson campaign this Tuesday.

I have worked along side WTP, sharing space at the Harrisburg July 4th event, the Cabarrus County Fair and Midland Magic. I have paid my dues in the trenches, defending individual freedom and responsibility for the past 10 years.

I have taken the high road during this campaign, treating Harold Johnson with respect. It is shameful he has allowed his supporters to use fraud and deception to smear an honest man.

I hope you do not endorse and reward such tactics this Tuesday.

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