Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hill For US House Money Bomb Month

To honor the birth of Thomas Paine and put some much needed dough in my campaign coffers, I have created a month long "money bomb". It ends on January 29th, Thomas Paine's birthday.

I have a Chip In page here, http://thomasbhill2010.chipin.com/us-house-2010-campaign


you can go to my website and contribute from there.

I know the economy stinks and the holidays have drained some of your wallets. The timing could be better, but the filing period is during February. I have business cards and rack cards I have paid for myself. I am close to running out and I need to restock soon.

For those of you who are not in a position to donate money but can donate time, please visit the "Get Involved" page on my website. You can fill out a on-line form to let me know what you are willing to do.

Thanks for your consideration,

Thomas Hill

Libertarian Candidate, US House (NC - 8)

Principles Unto Death

"I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."

Thomas Paine

Monday, December 28, 2009

Reassert Your Liberty, North Carolina

For More Information Contact: Brian Irving, Press Secretary, (919) 538-4548

Mike Beitler Makes His New Year's Resolution.

GREENSBORO (Dec. 28) -- Mike Beitler didn't have much trouble coming up with his New Year's Resolutions. Ever since he announced he was seeking the Libertarian nomination for U.S. Senate, he knew he'd be spending most of the new year earning the confidence and the vote of his fellow North Carolinians.

"In 2010, I'll be devoting my time and energy convincing the people of North Carolina that it is time for them to reassert their liberty and to send a libertarian to represent them in the U.S. Senate.," Beitler said.

"So these – my New Year's Resolutions – represent my pledge and my promise to the people of North Carolina:

"First, I always vote in favor of the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of North Carolina. Every issue. Every time. Every issue. No exceptions. No excuses.
"Second, I will continue to oppose any and all efforts by the federal government to act beyond its Constitutional authority.

"Third, I will introduce, sponsor, and support legislation to repeal laws and regulations that are outside the scope of the powers delegated by the people to the federal government.

"Fourth, I will only vote in favor of a bill that I have thoroughly read, considered and understood.

"Fifth, I will be accountable to voters. I will make public every vote I cast while in office."

"These may seem like radical concepts," Beitler said. "But the only seem radical because the Democrats and Republicans who've dominated our state's politics for so long have befuddled people into thinking that government was the solution to all their problems."

"It is not."

"The time has come to stop talking in terms of reducing the budgets of various government programs and agencies," Beitler said. "The time has come to abolish entire Federal programs and agencies. That's why I am running for U.S. Senate."

Dr. Mike Beitler (pronounced Bite-ler) is a keynote speaker and workshop leader sought after for his expertise in business, politics, and economics. His internet radio talk show "Free Markets"gives listeners insights from leading thinkers into today's business, economic and political issues. In a world of unrelenting free-market bashing by the media and outrageous government interventions, "Free Markets" offers a refreshing libertarian, free-market perspective.

Beitler he has been recognized as a leading business executive, business consultant, business professor and business author for 30 years. His book "Strategic Organizational Change" is required reading in MBA programs worldwide. "Rational Individualism: A Moral Argument for Limited Government and Capitalism" is widely acclaimed by libertarians and free-market advocates as the leading guide for today's political and economic issues.


P.O. Box 38353
Greensboro NC 27438 USA
Phone & Fax: (336) 334-4534

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Please Keep Michael Badnarik In Your Thoughts And Prayers

[I just found this terrible news in my in box from Gary Franchi....]


I just received word that the President of the 2009 Continental Congress and 2004 Presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party, Michael Badnarik had a Heart Attack this morning and in an unconscious state. His condition is serious.

His Mother, Elaine, reported to me that Michael was in Madison, Wisconsin attending a hearing regarding a raw milk case. After the hearing he got in a car to go to lunch with friends, He then slumped over. His friends attempted CPR and contacted the paramedics. They attempted to revive him 3 times with no success. Upon the 4th attempt his heart was revived yet with erratic behavior.

He was taken by helicopter to Gunderson Lutheran Hospital CCU in Lacrosse, WI. Please do no call or visit the hospital, only family is allowed.

He has been fitted with a temporary pacemaker and a balloon pump to ease stress on his heart.

I have no further details at this time. Please watch your email box for an update.

Michael is a true asset and leader in our movement who works tirelessly and selflessly for freedom. Please pray for Michael at this time.

In Freedom,

Gary Franchi

Friday, December 11, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

He Must Be Describing America

"It is not improbable that many or most of the worst of governments --- although established by force, and by a few, in the first place --- come, in time, to be supported by a majority. But if they do, this majority is composed, in large part, of the most ignorant, superstitious, timid, dependent, servile, and corrupt portions of the people; of those who have been over-awed by the power, intelligence, wealth, and arrogance; of those who have been deceived by the frauds; and of those who have been corrupted by the inducements, of the few who really constitute the government."

Lysander Spooner

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

No Treason Found Here...

"What was true of our ancestors, is true of revolutionists in general. The monarchs and governments, from whom they choose to separate, attempt to stigmatize them as traitors. But they are not traitors in fact; in-much they betray, and break faith with, no one. Having pledged no faith, they break none. They are simply men, who, for reasons of their own --- whether good or bad, wise or unwise, is immaterial --- choose to exercise their natural right of dissolving their connexion with the governments under which they have lived. In doing this, they no more commit the crime of treason --- which necessarily implies treachery, deceit, breach of faith --- than a man commits treason when he chooses to leave a church, or any other voluntary association, with which he has been connected.

This principle was a true one in 1776. It is a true one now. It is the only one on which any rightful government can rest. It is the one on which the Constitution itself professes to rest. If it does not really rest on that basis, it has no right to exist; and it is the duty of every man to raise his hand against it."

Lysander Spooner

No Treason #1

A Mission Statement I Am Proud To Endorse

Campaign For Liberty Statement of Principles...

"Americans inherit from our ancestors a glorious tradition of freedom and resistance to oppression. Our country has long been admired by the rest of the world for her great example of liberty and prosperity—a light shining in the darkness of tyranny.

But many Americans today are frustrated. The political choices they are offered give them no real choice at all. For all their talk of "change," neither major political party as presently constituted challenges the status quo in any serious way. Neither treats the Constitution* with anything but contempt. Neither offers any kind of change in monetary policy. Neither wants to make the reductions in government that our crushing debt burden demands. Neither talks about bringing American troops home not just from Iraq but from around the world. Our country is going bankrupt, and none of these sensible proposals are even on the table.

This destructive bipartisan consensus has suffocated American political life for many years. Anyone who tries to ask fundamental questions instead of cosmetic ones is ridiculed or ignored.

That is why the Campaign for Liberty was established: to highlight the neglected but common-sense principles we champion and reinsert them into the American political conversation.

The U.S. Constitution* is at the heart of what the Campaign for Liberty stands for, since the very least we can demand of our government is fidelity to its own governing document. Claims that our Constitution* was meant to be a "living document" that judges may interpret as they please are fraudulent, incompatible with republican government, and without foundation in the constitutional* text or the thinking of the Framers. Thomas Jefferson spoke of binding our rulers down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution*, and we are proud to follow in his distinguished lineage.

With our Founding Fathers, we also believe in a noninterventionist foreign policy. Inspired by the old Robert Taft wing of the Republican Party, we are convinced that the American people cannot remain free and prosperous with 700 military bases around the world, troops in 130 countries, and a steady diet of war propaganda. Our military overstretch is undermining our national defense and bankrupting our country.

We believe that the free market, reviled by people who do not understand it, is the most just and humane economic system and the greatest engine of prosperity the world has ever known.

We believe with Ludwig von Mises, Henry Hazlitt, and F.A. Hayek that central banking distorts economic decisionmaking and misleads entrepreneurs into making unsound investments. Hayek won the Nobel Prize for showing how central banks' interference with interest rates sets the stage for economic downturns. And the central bank's ability to create money out of thin air transfers wealth from the most vulnerable to those with political pull, since it is the latter who receive the new money before the price increases it brings in its wake have yet occurred. For economic and moral reasons, therefore, we join the great twentieth-century economists in opposing the Federal Reserve System, which has reduced the value of the dollar by 95 percent since it began in 1913.

We oppose the dehumanizing assumption that all issues that divide us must be settled at the federal level and forced on every American community, whether by activist judges, a power-hungry executive, or a meddling Congress. We believe in the humane alternative of local self-government, as called for in our Constitution*.

We oppose the transfer of American sovereignty to supranational organizations in which the American people possess no elected representatives. Such compromises of our country's independence run counter to the principles of the American Revolution, which was fought on behalf of self-government and local control. Most of these organizations have a terrible track record even on their own terms: how much poverty have the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund actually alleviated, for example? The peoples of the world can interact with each other just fine in the absence of bureaucratic intermediaries that undermine their sovereignty.

We believe that freedom is an indivisible whole, and that it includes not only economic liberty but civil liberties and privacy rights as well, all of which are historic rights that our civilization has cherished from time immemorial.

Our stances on other issues can be deduced from these general principles.

Our country is ailing. That is the bad news. The good news is that the remedy is so simple and attractive: a return to the principles our Founders taught us. Respect for the Constitution*, the rule of law, individual liberty, sound money, and a noninterventionist foreign policy constitute the foundation of the Campaign for Liberty."

*My respect for the US Constitution starts and ends with idea that it is intended to be a restraint on the Federal Government. It is not a binding contract on anyone unless they took an oath to uphold it or are otherwise employed by the Federal Government.